We expect to warm everyone's heart.
Warm Corner is a Lab that specializes in the field of graphic design. Its specialization include editing and layout, poster design, illustration, brand Identity, visual design and motion graphic.
The meaning is as same as the heater itself, wishing to give you a warmth feeling. Keep up with the development of graphic design, step by step, warm and deep cultivation Boxuan that specializes in the field of graphic design.
Its specialization include editing and layout, poster design, illustration, brand design, visual design and motion graphic. The meaning is as same as the heater itself, wishing to give you a warmth feeling. Keep up with the development of graphic design, step by step, warm and deep cultivation.
︎Brand Identity 品牌識別設計
︎Exhibition 展覽設計
︎Visual Design 主視覺設計
︎Graphic Design 平面設計
︎Packaging Design 包裝設計
︎Photography 動態/靜態攝影
2016 -
全國微電影 - 佳作嶺東科大學生證設計 - 第一名
2018 -
A PLUS 創意季影視組 - 入圍A PLUS 創意季 - 銅獎
A PLUS 創意季 - 平面設計協會特別獎
TISDC台灣國際學生創意設計大賽 - 入圍
泰達杯青年創意設計大賽 - 入圍
靳埭強全球華人設計獎 - 入圍
放視大賞 - 入圍
德國reddot紅點設計獎 插畫設計類 - Winner
2019 -
澳門設計大獎 - 入圍臺灣平面設計獎 - 優選
2023 -
日本優良設計獎 GOOD DESIGN AWARD - 入圍美國 MUSE Design Award - 金獎